it's Johanan's Birthday! he was so so excited...
i had work yesterday and slept only at nearly 5am... my this excited boy called me at about 9 in the morning and started talking about his birthday... haha... ~kids~
and so, i got up and get ready to go school and celebrate together with him...
the cake actually came late... haha... lucky, it was just in time for the kids to sing another song for him...
here's a photo of me and the birthday boy... note this: i wasnt suppose to wear green but because my precious boy said wear green because he's gonna wear it too, i obeyed. but then, when i see him in school in grey, i was like "arghhh..." *expected* hahaa... he said his green shirt was in wash... aiyah...........
ma jiam my birthday lo~...
before dismissal, his spots actually increased. one teacher examined him and was so confident it was chicken pox. principal thought putting him in front of the school bus would solve it all. afterall, they'll give his mum a call. but i wasnt convinced about putting him in the bus. and so, i ran all the way to the principal's office and told her how i feel about chicken pox being contageous. her reason was "mother was working." i was like -.-" but the good thing was, i am very close to johanan. and so, i offered to bring him home, with the permission of his mother. i went all the way down basement to pick johanan out of the bus and when i got him into the office, his teachers had already called his mum and confirmed that i'll be responsible to bring him home. i held his hands as his faced displayed discomfort and fear. i told him not to be afraid. and we actually went my house first to collect his birthday present before leaving to bus to his house.
when reached, i was surprise his mum was at home. so, she thanked me and i left to the lift. i was about to enter when she called out and told me she got much food and invited me in to eat. i was reluctant, not that i dont wanna go in, but i wasnt hungry. and so, i spent my day there at his house. soon, we discussed about whether i can use the function hall for my birthday party and she brought me down to see and book the dates. and ya, i got the function hall on 15 march, thanks to johanan's mum. and since they've got 2 units, i was able to book the entire day. and after booking the hall, we brought johanan to the playground. and because his mother and i are like overage for playground, we chatted away... and this johanan, having borrowed my camera, he snapped photos secretly, as though we were some brad and angelina or britney and justin. haha... see yourself... "gou zai"
i took johanan to a bench nearby and started serious talk with him. so many things i said and i even made him teared. he listened and i could feel he was sorry. he hugged me, so very tightly. and i told him i do not need to hug him. i could just treat him as how he treated his mother. and asked if he liked that... aiyahhh, many la... but he knew he's in the wrong... it took me almost an hour of talking. then he hugged me tightly for very long because he was afraid. (probably my first time being very serious with him). and soon, his mum called and it's time to go up. he didnt want to cuz probably he didnt want to apologize. but in the end, he did say sorry to his mother.
after dinner, johanan's mum and brother helpped with exploring the different catering services available for my birthday party on the internet till it was time for jo's checkup...
johanan wanted me to follow him to the check up, and so i went, willingly. hahaha... but i was already very sleepy, considered having worked yesterday and waking up early. i was quite cranky... waited quite long still for our turn. in the mean time, was playing my hp with johanan. and he was quite amused with the fact that my hp can capture you in different positions. and we had a great laugh at innocent johanan when he kept thinking it was magic...
well, doc confirmed it was chicken pox. mild type. what a time to get these poxes... maybe his worst birthday present ever! hahaa.. unless he gets another pox on his another birthday! CHOY~!!! hahaha... okay, doc gave him 7 days mc... i'm gonna miss my boy for a week. well, how am i gonna survive that? zzzzzz...
hais... okay, days go by quickly and holidays come by now! hahahaa.. get well soon. dont leave any scars on your face or body ah...
say goodnight晚安
close your eyes,be quiet
i hope to stay for a while
and if you need somebody
so goodbye晚安
it's alright,i'm fine
i'm gonna stay for a while
and if you need somebody
but if you need somebody